Scavenger Hunts


  • Hunt for…

    • Something you have questions about 

    • Something colorful 

    • Something with a fragrance

    • A tool for discovery

  • Using the items you have collected, imagine an invention and tell us what it does for you and/or your community?

    • One person shares their invention with the group.

    • Share their response to the activity.

Praxis (why + theory):

In The Lego Movie, there is a group of heroes called the “Master Builders” who created the different lego universes, and were subsequently banished for the way their creativity posed a threat to the violent world order. These Master Builders had trained themselves to clear their mind of the prescribed instruction manual so that they could build new creations without the constraints of a guidebook–they could make a single wheel or entire machine out of the loose parts around them. 

I think of the open-ended Scavenger Hunt as cultivating Master Builders who will create the new world from the scattered pieces of the old world. The activity fosters critical thinking, but more subversively, it teaches us that there are many ways to do things. When wielded on behalf of the community, prolific creativity promotes abundance for the whole.