Hot & Cold


  • Draw a line down the middle of the room or walkway (with chalk or tape)

  • Label one side of the line "hot" and the other side "cold"

  • All students begin by standing on the "hot" side of the line 

  • The moderator then provides a series of directions by either shouting "hot" or "cold"

  • When the moderator says "hot" students must jump to the hot side

  • When the moderator says "cold" students must jump to the cold side

    • Moderator may announce directions at super fast speeds

  • If students jump on the hot side when the direction was cold, or vice versa, they are out of the game

  • Play until one winner remains

Praxis (why + theory):

This is just a fun game to keep people engaged while they stand in line or wait for instructions, for when people need to move their bodies after completing a difficult task, or while breaking from an intense discussion, or when they have an excessive amount of energy to burn.