Rock, Paper, Scissors Paparazzi 


  • Everyone partners up.

  • Partners play Rock, Paper, Scissors best 2/3

  • The winner of the round, then proceeds to find another winner from a different pair.

  • The loser of the round, then becomes the hype-person for the winner.

  • As more people win/lose, the losers are absorbed into the hype-team of the winner(s). In this way, a paparazzi-like crowd of supporters forms around the remaining contestants. 

  • The final two remaining contestants have a showdown. Best 2/3. 

Praxis (why + theory):

This is a quick camaraderie building game amongst the collective and is another game that can be used to teach people the names and reveal the personalities of people in the room. The loud, chaotic energy can enliven any space where participating players fully commit to being the best cheerleader for their respective person.