Map Making


Very simple–draw a map from here to your house, or from your house to your grandma’s house, or from this classroom to your favorite playground, or from here to there.

  • Consider street names, monuments and institutional markers, public resources, natural scenery, familiar faces, anything notable to the illustrator


Partner up, and take turns narrating the predetermined route. Leave space to ask each other follow up questions.

Praxis (why + theory):

An autoethnographic exercise that illustrates what different people engage, notice, and value in their daily routines nestled within their geographic communities. As we learn the significance behind various markers on their map, we also learn how an individual experiences local cultural norms through repetition and relationships, as well as how they contribute to the legacy of a specific place. 

Emphatically, we can better understand the context that informs their connections to institutions, people, and the policies that govern them.