Human Scavenger Hunt
You have 10 minutes to find someone who fits the following categories and each person can only sign your paper once.
You CANNOT sign your own sheet.
E.g. Categories:
I was not born in a state beginning with a consonant.
Is left handed
Has been out of the country before
Is the middle child
Has never read the Harry Potter series
Likes to work out
Is a Leo sun sign in astrology
Likes Mexican Food
Was born on an odd numbered day
Is wearing mixed matched socks
In addition to identifying the correct people in a group for each category, challenge folks to complete tasks that activate those relationships. For example:
Recall your favorite childhood game. Find someone who also played that or a similar game during their childhood. If you can’t find anyone, teach someone
Select your favorite children’s book and read that entire story to someone in this group.
Praxis (why + theory):
The human scavenger hunt serves a similar purpose as Calling All My Friends and Category Line Up games as each are designed to reveal who is in the room–what skills, experiences, relationships, interests and passions–they bring with them.
I especially appreciate this activity because it can be conducted asynchronously within a specific timeframe. I created a human scavenger hunt sheet for a team of professionals to use during the quarantine–they had a few weeks to complete the assignment and were tasked with documenting the interactions through photos and screenshots. They were not only challenged to identify the correct person for each prompt, but also schedule a zoom meetup to learn more about each other or complete the outlined activity.