Directly aligning with Imagination: A Manifesto, the objective of each activity is twofold: 1) build people’s powers of speculation; 2) imagine tools & worlds that break with current social hierarchies.

Meeting both of these objectives will enable us–people who commit to be in authentic relationship with each other–to carve out those spaces “where energies of love and imagination are understood and respected as powerful social forces” in real time wherever we are (Benjamin 27).

Play is a way of placing everyone in dialogue with each other through the body, rather than through the word. The body contains histories of oppressive ideologies, and putting us in dialogue directly with and through our bodies seems to be, at least potently, more expedient toward the goal of liberation. A body is something we all have and share.

Play as a critical literacy within a culturally sustaining pedagogy preserves lifeworlds while creating the grounds for larger, societal lifeworlds that are rooted in love-based ethics. This playbook is the culmination of that which has been studied, practiced, facilitated, and enjoyed with love.

The Body at Play:

An Archive of Games that Move Us Towards Social Justice